• Congratulations for taking this step in your family's healing journey. I have recorded videos and attached an Ebook to guide you on how to use your remedies at home.


Introduction to Homeopathy

As the oldest system of medicine in the world, Homeopathy uses a range of compounds, diluted and shaken in a particular manner and order to create a potentised version of the original substance and results with an effective natural medicine called a ‘remedy’.

Homeopathy is based on the theory that ‘like cures like’. This means that the symptoms that would appear after taking the original compound are the same symptoms that are ‘cured’ by the diluted compound in a remedy. The symptoms for each remedy create a ‘symptom profile’ and we want to match this as closely with the symptoms we are looking to treat. The closer the match, the more effective the remedy is.

This process is called finding the ‘Simillimum’.

The remedy works by stimulating the body’s innate (natural) healing mechanisms otherwise know as the immune system . When we take the nano dose of a remedy this activates the vital force and brings the body back into balance.

What is in each bottle?

A homeopathic remedy, which is a substance (mineral, plant, compound) made by a Homeopathic Pharmacist in New Zealand using dilution and succession in a systemised manner. It is then preserved in Australian organic brandy and purified, human consumption grade and distilled water. Every remedy by Healing Home and Body contain the pharmacy stock to ensure you are getting remedies that are effective, medicated and correctly potentised.

Are Homeopathic remedies safe? Who can take them?

All homeopathic remedies from Healing Home and Body aresafe for all ages and do not interact with any medications. They are made in line with TGA guidelines to be a non regulated product due to their safety. This is because the‘crude’ (physical) substance is no longer present in each remedy, it is the imprint of the original substance that is left in the remedy.

Why is there alcohol in the remedies? Can my baby still have it?

Organic brandy is used to preserve the remedy naturally, without preservatives or other ingredients. This is a small percentage in each bottle, then such a small dose is given that it is safe.

What potency are in the remedies?

Fibonacci Homochord. This is the combination of 3C, 5C, 8C, 13C, 21C, 34C, 55C, 89C, 144C and 233C potencies in one bottle.

Why use the combination of potencies instead of a standard 6C or 30C that can be found at a health food store?

Traditionally, it is necessary to choose the ‘correct’ potency that resonates with the body, as well as choose the correct remedy. If the potency does not find resonance then it will not be effective. This is a true art. The Homocord eliminates this process so you only need to choose the correct remedy, many potencies are covered. Homochords have shown to be far more effective with less ‘aggravations’.

What is an aggravation and is it possible to have a ‘negative response to remedies?

These are actually healing responses. Of course healing isn’t always linear.

First Aid in Your Home

Flu Support