Our Values

Lovingly developed by a nutritionist, homeopath and mother, our remedies use Australian and NZ ingredients to support your health.

Reducing the need to run to the pharmacy, stocking our remedies keeps you in control, calm and supportive of your family at home.

Homeopathy supports the body’s natural ability to heal — without suppressing symptoms, so your immune response remains strong.

Our First Aid Guide book and blend instructions cards build your comfort and confidence with homeopathy.
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
You can heal your family naturally
Everything is energy
Belladonna is included in these options too!
Frequently Asked Questions
We include an instructions card with every blend that explains the symptoms it supports and how to dose, as well as additional resources for you to learn.
Do you feel like you need further guidance?
I would love to support your family! Please book an Acute Short Consultation on my website and send me an email for a sooner time. I cannot give any individualised advice outside of a consultation.
In homeopathy we match the remedy AND the potency to our body in each circumstance. If we use the 'wrong' potency, there is no effect, so by combining multiple potencies in 1 bottle we don't have to question if potency is correct. The body will recognised and respond to the potencies that are relevant and ignore the rest. The fibonacci sequence is a combination of numbers that are seen naturally all through nature, so it makes sense to base the combination of potencies on this rather than picking at random. Everything is intentional to support your family's healing!
I choose liquid remedies because they are sugar-free - I don't want to encourage children to associate sweets with being sick. I also find liquid dosing incredibly easy and effective for my family and all others that Healing Home and Body supports.
It is best to consult with your medical provider, as per TGA guidelines. Homeopathic remedies are deemed to be safe and supportive, and many women do use them throughout every season of life, as do I but I cannot advise on your individual circumstance.
2 drops, the same as everyone else! In homeopathy, an exposure to the remedy is a dose, whether that is 2 drops or 15 drops, it will have the same effect, therefore we dont have to adjust for age or size.